For me, giving up coffee is going to be harder than getting off heroin is for a junky. Not that I would know, since I've never done smack, but my love for lattes is bordering on obsession. I didn't have a cup yesterday, since I was sick (seeck!) and I was trying to be healthy in order to recover in time for Halloween. All I could think about was walking to Ristretto's to get a coffee....ALL DAY LONG. Then, this morning, I woke up in a crazy good mood (this is what happens when I give up coffee, I feel freaking fantastic and more creative and balanced) but it was a huge struggle to not make coffee/buy a latte. Seriously, I can see Ristretto's from my studio. It calls to me. It's strange, I was never a coffee drinker until I was like 25, I didn't really drink it while I lived in Hawaii. I think it was the snow storm of 2004 (my first year back in Oregon) that drove me into the warm and stimulating arms of a chocolate latte from Full City (Full City! Portland awaits your first shop! Please, please, please move up here! No one makes a mocha/chocolate latte like you. The ganache! The ganache!).
I really would like to not be chemically dependent. I would, truly. But I don't hold out much hope for this attempt. These are my mobile uploads to facebook:

Who takes pictures of their coffee? Me. That's who. I loooooooove it.