Sunday, April 27, 2008

All the ways China will kill you

So this morning, it's warm and the sun is shining, I've opened my windows and I sit drinking tea and working on a paper. I hear this strange motor noise, and my nose starts to burn. There is a strange sour chemically odor wafting in through the open windows. I lean out of the window to see what's going on and I see three men accompanying a cart that is all rigged out with hoses and a motor and big buckets of white liquid. See below:

They are spraying generous amounts of this white liquid on all the plants. I can only assume that it is some sort of pesticide.

Sometimes, when I'm biking across town through a thick fog of pollution, I think that living in China has probably shortened my life by a couple of years. Of course it's been so fascinating that it's probably worth it. I'm ok with giving up a couple of years to be able to eat 新疆炒面 and 麻辣烫。

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