Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Dieter the Magnificent

2nd cutest pug in the world! The breeder says he is really tiny and will probably take after his mom, who is a tiny, petite pug. But that is what we thought about Gunter too, so we'll just have to see. He's been eating solid food and drinking some goat milk so the weaning process is going well. She says he's pretty lively, which is good. I've seen pugs who are kind of lazy and non-responsive. But he looks alert! When Gunter was a little, little puppy I went to visit him at the breeders a couple of times before he was old enough to come home, and he was the smallest little bouncy ball. At one point he couldn't really walk very steady, but he could sort of bounce, but only backward. It was so cute. I can't wait to see Dieter and Gunter together. I'm not at all worried about Gunter being gentle enough to play with him. You should have seen him with my baby niece this last week.

He was awesome. Didn't scare her at all. No barking no pawing or jumping. Just some gentle sniffing and a few attempts at licking her face. She would bat him in the face and he would just sort of look away. Best pug ever. He did seem a little bored though.


Unknown said...

dieter is soooo cute and will be a good lil bro for gunter!!! OMG that's a great photo of you and your niece without even seeing your face i can see the love you have for her!!:OD

Justine said...

Hi Joanna,

I know, Dieter is adorable! I can't wait to see him in person. He gets here at the end of the month. :-O!

My niece is the cutest little thing in the world. It was so nice to see her and my sister this week. Thanks for the compliments on the photo. I do love her! :-)

I wish you had a blog. That way I could "stalk" you.

Have a great weekend.