Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What I Will

And will not do this decade:

1) I will do more of this sort of stuff:



And less of this stuff:

1) Whining
2) Surfing on the internet
3) Eating out
4) Drinking caffeinated beverages.

And I will do these things:

1) I will buy a new camera for work. A nice one.
2) I will go to yoga twice a week. And lift weights twice a week.
3) I will keep groceries in the house.
4) I will ride my bike to work.
5) I will save my money, instead of spend it on things like lip gloss binges. (Kellie can relate?)
This resolution has multiple parts, let me break them down:

A) I have obtained an app for my iphone that helps with this budgeting endeavor. It is called Budget, aptly enough. And it works great so far.

B) I want to buy a house. To this end, I will buy fewer shoes and put my shoe money into an account titled: House Fund. Right after I get these (which is another, separate resolution detailed below):

6) I will dress better. I hate wearing a pair of jeans, some hiking shoes, and a northface jacket every day to work. It makes me feel frumpy and old. So, from now on, starting tomorrow, I will at least make a partial and weak effort to be stylish. And I will buy more socks.

Ok, I think that will be it for now. I think it really just boils down to: cooking more, dressing better, spending less time on the internet, drawing and painting more, saving money, and working out regularly. Yep, that should cover it. And my perennial new year's resolution, as always, is to be kinder to everyone (including myself).


Bean said...

I have a terrible addiction to lip gloss, too. I am inspired by your resolutions and will apply some of them to myself, especially the ones about being kinder and spending less. I am in love love love with your work and can't wait to see how your resolutions will give birth to so many more pretty things. :D

P.S. I check your store at least three times a day (addict) and even dream of your pretty things. Shhh. Don't tell my husband. I don't want him to think I will blow all of our house savings by buying everything in your store, which is what I would do if we weren't saving for a house. :)

Justine said...

Hi Bean!

I'm afraid I'm not having that much luck with my resolutions yet...:-( Jeans and hiking shoes and t-shirts are so hard to break away from. And how can I dress better if I can't buy new clothes!? hehehe...I guess it is one step at a time. I've decided I'm just going to wear gym clothes to work...that way I am more motivated to go workout.

I have so many new ideas for rings etc! I can't wait to finally have a chance to make them. I'll keep you posted!
