Challah, steamed asparagus in redwine vinaigrette, garlic roast, colcannon (mashed potatoes and kale),
and gravy of course.
Wow. It's already Thursday. The weeks just seem to disappear between work and pugs and working out (at my new fantastic gym, i.e. the JCC). How is it that time goes so much faster the older you are? My personal opinion is that since you already remember so much and have seen so much time go by, the span of a week seems vanishingly short. Or maybe it's because as an adult you have so much to do, and that makes time go by faster. Or maybe it is both? Most likely.
So Friday night is now my favorite night of the week. I look forward to it and I enjoy planning for it. It's like a tiny holiday every week!
This week will be roast chicken, homemade pasta coated in the juices from the roasting pan (don't knock it until you try it! It is the most delicious chickeny thing you can eat. Seriously. It is essence of chicken!), challah, wine, maybe green beans? Maybe cilantro cabbage salad? Maybe mashed cauliflower? I can't decide on a vegetable. Creamed chard? Braised greens? When I go grocery shopping tomorrow I'm sure something will pop out at me.
And for the pug lovers out there: