Monday, May 17, 2010


It is Monday.

Monday means work work work.

But before that, let me tell you a little bit about my weekend.

Friday night, I had a lovely evening with J. A relaxed shabbis dinner, with roast chicken, fresh pasta, fresh baked challah and a crispy crunchy cabbage salad. (A little bit different from my regular cabbage, cilantro and rice vinegar cabbage salad. This one had radishes, chives, thin sliced celery and a buttermilk dressing. Lovely!)

Saturday morning, we had bagels with the gravlax we had been preparing all week. (Fresh salmon+white pepper+dill+salt+sugar+mustard seed+6 days of waiting=delicious!) Then we tried to go estate sale shopping, but that was a bust. From there we went to the American Apparel rummage sale, which, to be frank, sucked. Thanks, I don't really want to fight teenage girls and hipsters for some poorly made cotton clothing. Normally I like a some American Apparel stuff, but this was all tights and mustard yellow hoodies.

The we took the pugbutts to a new park:

It was super warm, and we ran around and did cartwheels and handstands (not the and the Peanut), and then we walked to the the Lucky Lab and sat outside with Gunter and Dieter and shared some beers and a salad (again, not the and the Peanut). It was gorgeous. I got a little sun on my shoulders and it looks like spring/summer is really here. After an Oregon winter, summer is always a revelation.

Saturday night, the pugs and I had a sleepover at J's house. We watched a strange movie called Ink. I liked it. Breakfast at Marco's. Breakfast cake! (i.e. Belgian waffle.) More dogs and the park. Then a 4 mile run at the gym and a competitive game of racquetball against the Peanut (it was a draw). Then a calm sunday dinner (steamed artichokes, chicken salad in lettuce wraps).

A still life of my bedside table:

And now it is off to the studio for me. So much stuff to take care of, so little time. Can't wait for next weekend!

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