Thursday, April 22, 2010

Why housekeeping is so hard for me

See these adorable pugs:

They are the most adorable things that you will ever see. It's true. They are even cuter than your baby. I'm sorry to say it, but it is a fact.

I'm posting these pictures because I want you, the audience reading at home or at work, to understand the depth of my devotion to these small monster like dogs.

See Gunter, on the left, all blurry? That is because he is getting ready to do a small shake. Or he might even be in the midst of the shake at that moment. Who knows. But please see below:

What I would like you to notice about this picture (you can even click on it to see it larger) is all of the floating hair and dog dust that was released by that minor shake. Imagine what it is like if you have a small sprinkler of hair going on 24-7. I sweep almost everyday, and each time I pick up enough pug hair to make a new pug. Seriously. While pugs are the most awesome dogs ever, think about them shedding their own body weight in hair every few days before you go to adopt one.

This a public service announcement.

And yes, I let my pugs lick the beaters. So if that is a problem for you, don't dine at my house.


kellie said...

How'd you get that pile of fuzz to look so much like a pug?

Thanks for the laugh.

At first I thought that Gunter's head was fuzzy in that picture above due to his head-cocking abilities. Oh, Gunter.

Justine said...

It does look like a pug! That was totally accidental!