Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bodi, Protea, pugs, and CM's

These crazy flowers are a love offering from my Peanut.
He knows that I love crazy flowers, the crazier the better.

I finally feel that spring is here. The most dangerous part of winter is over (post holiday to pre-spring, approximately Jan. 7-March 27th). No major grey-blue funks to be combatted , a slight light blue funk was felt during early Jan. through middle of February, driven off by Hawaiian sunshine, then reoccurring again for almost the entire month of March. But I am confident that the funk season is over. Daylight savings really helps me, and I feel like when the days finally stay light into the evening time I am safe from a funk attack for the rest of the year.

My smart little niece, Bodi-kins. So adorable! I just want to squeeze her.

I adore this pug. (The pug pictured above, not below.)

Liquid pug.


jonna Collins said...

bah. Now I can't post that video.

SariiCollins said...

I love her face when she looks down and to the side. so cute!!! Needs many squeezes from her Aunties!