Monday, January 19, 2009

A Correspondence part deux

Ms. P.P. the Second, WYS
c.c. DSC International
c/o Certified Chaperonage, Inc.

Dear Ms. P.P.P II,

In response to your recent missive:

Although these claims appear, on the surface, to contain a certain amount of legitimacy, we at Wilamina, Elpinger, and Worcast, Legalities For the Under-represented (WEWLFU) feel the DSC (Department of Sisterly Conduct) should be made aware of the true nature of the charges made by the plaintiff ( hereafter referred to as WYS-Willful Younger Sister). Additionally, caution is recommended on the part of DSC to set a precedent for use of terms such as "malicious" and "gross negligence". It is the assertion of the defendant, PPP1, ROS (Responsible Older Sister) to WYS, that the allegations made by WYS have been grossly exaggerated and, as will be proven in the following paragraph, were totally unavoidable.

The representatives for WYS should be aware of the following:

Article 1: WYS was duly advised and counseled on topics of her choosing, while she was living in the United States. Her departure to the far east, and lack of interest in scheduled open-mic sessions, left her vulnerable to the whims of her fancy.
Sub. a: PPP1/ROS would like to note that the actions of WYS were actually calculated to leave her with the responsibility for Crazy Mother and will be filing a counter suit for abandonment shortly.

Article 2: ROS maintains that due to the extreme willfulness on the part of WYS, all past efforts have been proven to be entirely in vain (see past correspondence documents August, 2004 through May 2007) and that she should be exempt from all further responsibility, as well as further legal action, ad sic.

It should be noted, that while responsibility for basic happiness can fall under the terms of the ROS roles and duties, the "horse can only be led to the water", as the saying goes. Be advised that current boyfriend has overtaken that role and, as proof, we contend that our client's good-will has been stretched by her acquiescence to forsake vising rights, due her as ROS of WYS in far-far-away-land.

In light of these findings, it is recommended that the plaintiff be advised accordingly. This letter will address the allegations of gross sisterly neglect and will act as a legal document if trial cannot be avoided.

legal counsel for P.P.P I

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